For Such a Time as This

Esther 4:14 refers to having been born ‘for such a time as this.’  Many of us have read that scripture, heard it preached and maybe even smirked at the declaration considering you heard it a million times in your life span in church services. Or maybe that’s just me.  I knew that I had value. The Bible told me so, but I did not truly comprehend that I could have a very specific assignment. 

However, on a particular day I looked and examined myself in the mirror differently than the previous moments of my life.  I may have been 38 years old, but I saw myself for the very first time. As I took a seat to watch the reel of my life play through my mind, the story started to unfold. Had I really been born for such a time as this? 

What are the times that we are in?  Times of division;  politically, socially, culturally and racially.

The movie started in 1980 with a caucasian mother and African American father who birthed unity into a divided world. That child would experience the blessings of both wanting and having. She would have the opportunity to develop empathy for the socially awkward and excluded as she attended thirteen schools by the age of 15. Racially diverse friendships spanned the rainbow in the various schools from the Pacific Northwest to the Cajun south and into the southwest parts of the country. Her residences evolved within rural, city, suburbs and urban areas. Tastebuds were formed for ethnic foods around the globe. Music was simply art that came in rock and soul. As she aged into her teen years she experienced the effects of lawmakers from both the blue and red parties in her education, family finances and social issues within the community. Unity was the legacy of her two grandmothers who fought against racial and cultural division. One, a black grandmother, fought against a segregated south and the other, a German grandmother, fought against a separated wall in Germany. 

Could it be that I was born for such a time as this? For this specific moment in time? A time where the political and social climates have come to extremely polarized point of views. Would it take someone who had experienced a biracial life -  financially, racially, economically and even politically - to build bridges and share a perspective that creates a unified viewpoint. It was not a white life or a black life. It was one life. My life is, for such a time as this, as is yours. 

I am thrilled to announce that on October 8th, I’m releasing my story titled Half Breed - Finding Unity in a Divided World. Order today at  Half Breed on Amazon

LeTesha Wheeler, Author 

LeTesha Wheeler